Woman standing at podium
Deena Hamilton, Founder and Executive Director of Love on a Mission, won the Profiles in Courage award.

SHELBY – The Shelby Area Democratic Club announced their annual award winners at their Truman- Kennedy Breakfast on May 18th. 

“Never have we two winners who so thoroughly embodied the spirit of the awards,” Democratic Club President John Makley said.

Deena Hamilton, Founder and Executive Director of Love on a Mission, won the Profiles in Courage award. It refers to President Kennedy’s book that he wrote when he was a U.S. Senator. The book told the stories of Senators from the past who had the courage to choose country over party, knowing full well it might cost them politically and personally.

When Hamilton’s twin sons came out to her as gay, she had to choose between accepting her sons for who they were or the beliefs of her evangelical community.

She showed incredible courage to not only accept her sons as they were, but to go on to create a space where LGBTQIA+ youth in North Central Ohio would feel welcome and loved.

Local attorney Eric Miller won the Give ‘Em Hell award for his leadership this past year in passing an income tax initiative.

Local attorney Eric Miller won the Give ‘Em Hell award for his leadership this past year in passing an income tax initiative to pay for much needed water main repairs in the City of Mansfield. 

The award refers to President Truman’s campaign slogan in 1948 when all the polls and pundits said he was going to lose but he embarked on a whirlwind train tour of the country that convinced voters he was their man.

Similarly, Miller never gave up and despite losing last fall, he fought to get it back on the spring ballot and won.

Makley also recognized Miller’s work in passing the Pothole Hater’s Tax in the 1980’s and in protecting and enhancing his beloved Mohican State Park.

Makley concluded by saying that both award winners were just two examples of the many loving and courageous people in our community who are taking action to make things better and that the Shelby Area Democratic Club looks forward to recognizing two more next year.