In a world brimming with stimuli, the notion of embracing sensory mindfulness may seem like just another fleeting trend. However, the reality is far more profound. In our daily interactions, we often exhibit empathy and kindness, yet remain oblivious to the unique sensory experiences others navigate, particularly those with sensory processing disorders. Embracing a sensory-friendly mindset not only benefits individuals with sensory challenges but enriches our collective experiences, fostering genuine inclusivity.

Meet the expert: Dauphne Maloney

Our expert, Dauphne Maloney, is a Renaissance Teaching Artist and Education Assistant
renowned for her work with youth theatre in the North Central Ohio area. With a wealth of experience as a director, costume designer, educator, and actor, Dauphne brings invaluable insights into the realm of sensory awareness and inclusivity. Her dedication to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment makes her the perfect guide on our journey to becoming more sensory-friendly.

Why sensory awareness matters

Before delving into the strategies for becoming more sensory-friendly, it’s crucial to understand why sensory awareness is essential. In our bustling modern world, individuals often grapple with sensory overload, which can lead to heightened stress and anxiety. By cultivating sensory mindfulness, we not only alleviate these challenges but also create environments where everyone feels comfortable and welcomed.

How to become a more sensory-friendly person

  1. Listen actively and create supportive environments:

Rather than dismissing sensory preferences as trivial, let’s actively listen to individuals expressing their sensory needs. By incorporating their feedback, we can design spaces and experiences that cater to diverse sensory requirements, fostering a sense of inclusion for all individuals.

Try This:

  • Practice active listening when someone expresses their sensory preferences or challenges.
  • Avoid dismissing or minimizing their experiences; instead, validate their feelings and concerns.
  • Actively seek feedback from individuals about their sensory needs in various environments, such as home, work, or social gatherings.
  • Collaborate with others to design inclusive spaces and experiences that accommodate diverse sensory requirements, considering factors like lighting, noise levels, and seating arrangements.

2. Cultivate mindfulness and sensory awareness:

Engaging in mindfulness practices enables us to tune into our surroundings and deepen
our understanding of sensory experiences. By paying attention to sights, sounds, smells, and textures, we enhance our empathy towards others and adapt our environments to accommodate their needs.

Try This:

  • Set aside time each day for mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing, meditation, or sensory-focused activities like mindful eating or nature walks.
  • Practice sensory awareness by intentionally noticing the sights, sounds, smells, and textures in your environment.
  • Reflect on how different sensory experiences affect your mood and well- being, and consider how they might impact others.
  • Experiment with adapting your surroundings to create a more comfortable and inclusive atmosphere, such as adjusting lighting or adding soothing sounds.

3. Educate yourself and extend compassion:

Take the time to educate yourself about common sensory challenges, such as those
associated with autism or other neurodivergent conditions. Understanding the diverse
spectrum of sensory experiences fosters empathy and compassion towards individuals
navigating these challenges, contributing to a more inclusive and supportive society.

Try This:

  • Take advantage of resources like books, articles, documentaries, and online courses to learn about common sensory challenges and neurodiversity.
  • Seek out firsthand accounts and personal stories from individuals with sensory processing differences to gain insights into their experiences.
  • Engage in conversations with friends, family members, or colleagues who may have expertise or personal connections to sensory issues, and ask questions to deepen your understanding.
  • Practice empathy and compassion by actively supporting and advocating for individuals with sensory challenges, whether it’s through offering assistance, providing accommodations, or simply being a supportive listener.

To become a more sensory-friendly person, it’s essential to develop awareness and empathy towards others’ sensory experiences. One way to start is to actively listen to people when they express their sensitivities or preferences related to sounds, lighting, etc. This way of thinking helps to create a supportive environment that acknowledges and respects a variety of diverse sensory needs.


Additionally, practicing mindfulness can enhance your sensory awareness. Take time to tune into your surroundings, paying attention to sights, sounds, smells, and textures that affect you. This not only connects you more deeply to your own sensory experiences but also makes you more aware of the sensory needs of those around you. Being mindful allows you to adapt to your environment when possible, making it more comfortable for others.

Finally, educate yourself about common sensory challenges and sensitivities, such as those associated with autism or other neurodivergent conditions. Understanding the spectrum of sensory experiences helps you approach individuals, families, and situations with greater understanding and compassion. You can effectively contribute to a more inclusive and sensory- friendly social environment by actively incorporating this awareness and knowledge into your interactions.


In a world filled with overwhelming sensations, striving to become more sensory-friendly may appear as just another passing trend. However, it’s much more than that. In our daily interactions, we often exhibit empathy and kindness, yet remain unaware of the unique sensory experiences others navigate, especially those with sensory processing disorders. Embracing a sensory-friendly mindset benefits us all, fostering genuine inclusivity as we share experiences.

By actively embracing the principles of increased inclusivity, enhanced well-being, and boosted productivity and creativity, we contribute to a society that not only accommodates but thrives. Crafting spaces and experiences that cater to diverse sensory needs ensures everyone feels comfortable and welcome, laying the foundation for improved overall well-being and fostering a sense of connection.

Becoming a more sensory-friendly person begins with cultivating awareness and empathy toward others’ sensory experiences. Actively listening, practicing mindfulness, and educating ourselves about common sensory challenges enable us to create a supportive and inclusive environment. As we strive for a more sensory-friendly world, we create a space where everyone can thrive and belong.

Introducing: The Ren Resource: Unveiling Creative Wisdom from Local Arts Experts

Get ready to explore our local arts scene like never before with “The Ren Resource: Unveiling Creative Wisdom from Local Arts Experts.” This content series, presented by the Renaissance Performing Arts Association, is your one-stop source for practical insights to elevate your daily life. From acing your resume headshot to fashion tips from a pro costumer, harnessing AI’s potential in your routine, and becoming more sensory-friendly, we’ve got you covered. These practical tips are designed to help answer questions to problems you run into in your daily life. Join us on this exciting journey of creativity and discovery!