Letter to the Editor in purple lettering on envelope

Having grown up and seen many shows at the Renaissance, I was always amazed and awed by the craftsmanship that went into each and every show.

But over the past decade or so, it seems that the caliber or show that has been presented at the Renissance Theater has steadily gone downhill, fast.

While they still manage to squeak out an enjoyable show here and there, the overall production seems to be far from where it use to be and that greatly saddens me, especially with the amount of talent we have in this area.

With each show, it seems the same group of players are continually stuck in a loop playing pretty much the same character in every show, just with different costumes, makeup, set, etc.

While the vocals of many of the shows are good, the canned music really deters from live musicians which detracts from the overall production of the show.

When you stop to think of the price of tickets and way they market their shows you expect to see a solid, professional looking show, but what what you get more often is on par with a well produced high school show.

Maybe it’s time for the Renissance to consider bringing lback touring shows, or having the nerve to hire people who better understand theater as a whole. 

Thank you for your consideration. 

David Kiley

Mansfield, Ohio