Eight jazz musicians in their own photo playing their instrument
This concert will feature saxophonists Michael Cox, Byron Rooker, Eric Snyder, Tom Reed, guitarist Stan Smith, bassist Paul Martin, percussionist Steve Berry, and keyboardist McCray Martin. All are part of "Abstractions."

ASHLAND — Composer/arranger McCray Martin will introduce yet another lineup of his continually shifting and expanding group “Abstractions,” at Ashland’s Big Bands and All That Jazz Society event on Feb. 5.

This particular incarnation of the band features a saxophone quartet overtop of a four-piece rhythm section, very reminiscent of the core instrumentation on his 2021 album “Sporadic Disasters.”

They will be playing music from this album, as well as other standards and requested favorites.

This concert will feature saxophonists Michael Cox, Byron Rooker, Eric Snyder, Tom Reed, guitarist Stan Smith, bassist Paul Martin, percussionist Steve Berry, and keyboardist McCray Martin.

You won’t want to miss this very special event.

Enjoy the sound at the First Christian Church in Ashland, at 1425 King Road, on Monday, Feb. 5 at 7 p.m.  As always this concert is free and open to the public, so bring a friend.

Head of Newsroom Product at Richland Source. Lifelong Cleveland sports fan who also enjoys marketing, history, camping, comedy, local music & living in Mansfield with my wonderful family.